Posted in poésie

Times when I wanted to write a letter…

I still remember my first few days at school,
that feeling of not belonging,
the feeling of being thrown out into the world,
the hatred on reaching the gates,
the pain in seeing my teacher,
I so much wanted to let you know,
I so much wanted to write a letter.

I still remember my early fight with kids,
The occasional black eye,
The feeling of the “fight”
The feeling of winning
The happiness to stand up for something
The joy of defending someone,
I so much wanted to let you know,
I so much wanted to write a letter.

I still remember my first teenage crush,
The days spent in building courage,
The joy of sneaking glances,
The hope that never used to die down
The steps that never used to go forward,
The fun of letting the crush haunt yourself.
I so much wanted to let you know,
I so much wanted to write a letter.

I still remember my first wet dream,
The agony that were to follow,
The guilt that something went seriously wrong,
The Idea of being drawn towards a sin,
Discovering the growing me,
Realizing the change in hormones,
I so much wanted to let you know,
I so much wanted to write a letter.

I still remember those days from college,
With life at crossroads,
Not knowing what to choose,
More study or settle for a career,
There were no right answers, and no wrong ones too
Life had never been so confusing
What to choose and whom to choose
I so much wanted to let you know,
I so much wanted to write a letter.

I still remember those early days at work,
Being left disillusioned,
Is this what I had dreamed off?,
Creativity and intelligence thrown to utter waste,
Not knowing if there could be a better option,
Not trusting own self, if the step I took was right
Life had never been so stressful,
I so much wanted to let you know,
I so much wanted to write a letter.

 Now that I am at this stage,
With not much of questions to answer,
With not much of people to question,
is it the “time”, I tend to ask myself,
It is the right time, people tend to tell me,
So many things happening around you,
expectations changing about you,
I still have no clues,
I so much wanted to let you know,
I so much wanted to write a letter.


Prompt this week over at writer’s island is “letter”. For the first time I am moving away from 55 charmers to normal form of poetry for writers island. Hope it turned out good enough.


23 thoughts on “Times when I wanted to write a letter…

  1. hhmmm… i think blogging lets you write all those letters. How cool.

    PS_ You’re it! I tagged you.

    Krista, Blogging let me write much more 🙂

  2. ooopps. aidanmackinnon- that was me. Krista. From the silent k.

    Thanks Krista for tagging me, and yes I could make out “Aidan” made me recognize 🙂

  3. I love it. I really like the honesty that comes forth in what you write. You are so there with what you are thinking… it is a gift… and it is more than good enough…

    Lea, thank you so much for the kind words.

  4. yes yes it did. sorry for not visting for soooooo long. i loved the way you ended it ” so much wanted to let you know,
    I so much wanted to write a letter.”

    Thanks Utopia for coming back again 🙂
    and no sorry please 😀

  5. Marvelous. I was with you through all the stages and writing my own letters, asking my own questions. Ask the questions, write the letters. It will keep you young.

    Thanks Annie..

  6. i think it is a beautiful poem, honest and very true of what we face in life…
    ***I so much wanted to let you know,
    I so much wanted to write a letter.**** each stage makes us question and if we find teh answers, we are lucky!!

    I agree with you TA, if we find answers we are lucky, if we dont try to find them then we are fools 🙂

  7. Great post. It is never to late to write the letters we wish I wrote earlier in life. Maybe we have more answers to our questions when we finally do write them.

    Herb, It is never late to write letters, but the problem is finding the person whom we want to write to

  8. i like this poem. it makes me think of someone missing, someone who should have been there for you to talk to. very bittersweet – at least that’s my take on it. 🙂

    Greggo, exactly what I had in mind, someone whos missing

  9. I tell you You can not trust these courier/post walas; I am yet to receive the letter !!! Can you believe it ? 😀

    The worst part Sunshine, they charged money from me already 🙂
    Someday soon you will get them for sure 🙂

  10. life,, a train ride of unanswered questions… you really captured it all right here….

    It is a set of unanswered questions, but then whats the fun if we dont try to find the answers..

  11. Awesome rendition there.It’s great the way you wove the words with just a single hint to go on with 🙂

    Sameera, thanks a lot for the kind words :), nice to get them from a good poetess like you

  12. Rambler
    May be you fight with them to get the money back in the light of courier nt recived. if not you will definately land up getting some discounts ..lolzzz

    P.S : when I write this I have “monisha” from sarabhai vs sarabhai in my mind 😀

    Definitely should take the money back 🙂
    P.S 😦 have no idea about that series, except for the fact that it has satish shah in it.

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