Posted in "Fifty Five Words ", poésie

True Treasure

Learning an art,
Teaching a pupil,
Understanding a friend,
Growing in a relationship,
Parenting a kid,
Achieving career success,
Quest for knowledge,

So many tasks,
So many challenges.

Wish I had a magic wand,
Or a map of sorts,
Leading way to the treasure,
A solution to all challenges.

“Patience”, A treasure,
True treasure indeed.
Prompt over at writer’s island this week is “treasure”, I have been struggling with patience for a long long time, I seem to be failing to develop the most important skill in human survival.

30 thoughts on “True Treasure

  1. Beautiful.. and you are right, patience is a true treasure indeed.. If you do get the map, do send it my way 🙂

    Hey preethi..
    Well if there was a map, may be we all need to be patient to get it 🙂

  2. wait till you parent a child…you’ll realize that you had patience all along but was waiting for the right forum to show it 😀

    Well lets hope I find my patience atleast then :).. otherwise I am sure I will be in a big soup.

  3. I could use plenty of it, if you ask me, patience is sure a virtue…very nice take indeed!

    We all can use plenty of it isn’t it 🙂

  4. i guess no need of magic wands. your heart is powerful enough to grant them 🙂

    Heart is powerful enought to grant them, and we should be patient enoug for it to grant 😉

  5. what lovely treasures – maps are in short supply, I hear!

    Maps are always short in supply, so wait for it?, why not form our own down the years 🙂

  6. True treasures one and all. Learning to be patient is a great gift once we stop fighting ourselves. Great poem.

    I liked the expression fighting with ourselves..we always do that don’t we 🙂

  7. Very very right! Patience is indeed a great treasure–and I need some of it badly, RIGHT NOW! 😉

    PS, wish we could get that so easily 🙂

  8. My mother always said patience is a virtue; not sure it’s one I’ve acquired. Lovely poem!

    Paris, Well I have been really bad with patience, so defnitely did not acquire that one 🙂

  9. patience hasn’t found me yet either…… or me IT! Though I do see glimpses of it in some of the activities I do more so than in others.

    nice take on the prompt.

    Awareness, glad that you find glimpses of it.. I wish I could get some of it in my activities 🙂

  10. Lovely Rambler… patience is a treasure indeed, but you’ve captured these qualities here in a way that is precious…

    Thanks Lea..

  11. lea said it … you have captured the qualities perfectly ……
    it was really lovely …. one does gradually learn to patient when you have a little sister who thinks she can get anything she wants …. ;p

    Thanks BB, heehhe the sister part was funny, being the only son spoils it for me 😦

  12. Lovely treasures indeed, and if you find that magical source of extra patience, please send some my way too.

    Would surely send :), but unfortunately haven’t found that yet 🙂

  13. Lovely poem.. I usually cant appreciate long and complicated ones – but in your case, you always keep them simple and enchanting…
    You are amazing when it comes to poetry rambler…
    Way to go!!!

    Rusty, I too write sometimes really long poems and posts 🙂
    thanks for your kind words 🙂

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